Our Services

Leading the way in Infrastructure Investment and Development

1. Designing Financial Innovations for Development

We design strategies to finance infrastructure in challenging situations. We use blended finance and results-based financing approaches to make projects happen and develop creative solutions to leverage investment, pool capital, and help low-income groups gain access to finance.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) is one big area of innovation that BOH is using to unlock private sector funding. PPP brings with it the market discipline and helps us to take into account the full cycle cost of project.

2. Designing Green Infrustucture Projects

We design for maintenance of healthy ecosystems, reconnecting fragmented natural areas and restoring damaged habitats, green infrastructure offers an economically viable and sustainable infrastructure that provides goods and services and by which multiple objectives can be addressed. A strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features is designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. We incorporate green spaces (or blue if aquatic ecosystems are concerned) and other physical features in terrestrial (including coastal) and marine areas. On land, GI is present in rural and urban settings.

Green Infrastructure has emerged as a valuable tool to enhance ecosystem resilience and to contribute to biodiversity conservation and benefit human populations.

3. Strengthening National & Local Government Services

We consult with governments on strategies to attract investment and enhance efficiency. We prepare analysis and business plans for local and national governments to commercialize services, increase revenue, and unlock value in underperforming assets.

4. Financing, Designing, Building and Managing Projects

We undertake some projects as single contractor or a special purpose vehicle (SPV), with design, construction and facilities management expertise as well as funding capability is appointed to design and build the project and then to operate it for a period of time.